🔹 MY ART - watercolored portrait - process

Hello Steemians, yesterday I finished a new painting. I enjoy painting portraits, because of the face expressions I can catch on a paper. It is something different everytime.

2018-02-13 (7).png

Recently when I wanted to paint a portrait I was searching for someinspiration and when I saw a photo of a woman with mikadohair I remembered the old movie Leon and young Natalie Portman. I realised her character could be really good model, so I just found a suitable foto and started to draw.

I used White nights watercolors as usual and 100% cotton paper for watercolors.

The process


2018-02-13 (1).png

2018-02-13 (2).png

2018-02-13 (3).png

2018-02-13 (4).png

2018-02-13 (5).png

2018-02-13 (7).png

2018-02-13 (8).png

2018-02-13 (9).png


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