Alien Lands - A Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

I participated in the @everlove collaboration with a dark take on a mafia execution. A bit dark and cheerless. So I thought to have another bash. Something more cheery.. perhaps a sunny beach? Blue skies even!

I looked again at the image

I realised I could double up the bottom part of it to make some kind of crab. So I popped it into PicSay pro and then cut the bottom bit it and added a flipped horizontal version... CRAB!!

This was good, now I hopped into pixabay and got a nice beach shot

Pfft, I didn't like that flag though. What about a steemit flag!! Simple paint over the original and copy a steemit logo in

Ah much nicer. Beach is a bit barren, maybe a rock from the collaboration image would be nice! Yeah, let's use every part of it!

And back to my crab, paste him in. I dotted a couple of red eyes on for the thrills ;0)

Bit lonely looking, more crabs!! And maybe fangs!!

But maybe there wasn't enough of the original image so why not add an ominous looking planet above with elements of the original piece. Oh yes!!

And just to make it pop, I added the 'bob' filter in Pixlr Express to give it more oomph!!

So there we have it, strange alien crabs staking their flag on an unknown planet!!

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