Collaborative Art With @skapaneas - Cycling with hats off

I saw @skapaneas created a post inviting collaborations using their Dali sketch and thought wayhay! I love a bit of faffing with someone elses work.

Started with the sketch here

I like a swirly background, so I spun the face around with the circle splash effect in the pic say pro app then used the history brush to bring back the eyes and mouth

History brush is a powerful tool which is one of the reasons that's my favourite app.I wanted to use this as the background and zoomed in a bit too create the swirlyness, which as said is always a favourite!

Then I turned the face on its side and warped it a bit with the warp tool (fancy that)

Then I got a clip art penny farthing cycle and banged his head on it cycling on his sideways face

Everybody knows Dali's melting clocks so I put a faint one in the background but thought the whole thing was lacking a certain oomph, so I thought I know! Use the swirly eye for a sun! So eye did boom boom!!

I then used the Invisible Afghan piece to add a bit of colour and jazz to it all

Everyone including Dali loved some elephant action, in goes one to fill that aching emptiness in the bottom right

I inserted it twice with the on top layer offset slightly from the original to create an eye hurty blurring effect

Almost finally, it would be rude to not wear a top hat wouldn't it Mr Elephant?

Then a bit of warping for captain elephant

The colours are a bit too like the original Invisible Afghan so I trotted the pic over to the pixlr express app and added a watercolour filter at twenty percent then layered on top a purple/blue filter with some judicious fading and painting before giving it the Ivan preset at about 60%

Tada! I hope you like!

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