Steembug Greets the Sun - A Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

Look at the little creatures embrace the dawn!!

Hand made creatures! The latest collaboration with @everlove!! Tell me m'dear, tell me straight. Do you really make these as hard as you can!! It was a toughie but with the aid of some plasticine modelling clay I got there!

So I thought, what can i do. Immediately it looked like a sunset or sunrise. So I needed a landscape. Boof. Over to PicSay pro and added some green rolling hills with a medium paint brush.

To make it more grassy I added a cross hatch filter to the green.

Then I popped the sun on another layer at 80% opacity. Being cheeky I drew a couple of eyes on the sun

Then I needed something for that sparse landscape. What could we have? Some nice bugs! I had just the thing. I whipped out my daughter's plasticine and made a lady bird. I really liked the little fellow.

Meet Steembug!

I quickly copied him in and then a smaller version mirrored

Aw it's mummy Steembug and baby Steembug!

The sun wasn't bright enough so I doubled up with Pixlr Express and added it on a multiply layer at 50%

Almost done! I wanted a bit of texture to it all do added a canvas texture on a layer at a reduced opacity

And that was me. Perhaps a final bit of speech. Sometimes I can't stop.

That's my collaboration! Hope you like!

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