The Birdmen of Steemit: ATTACK! A collaboration with @everlove


The Birdmen are coming!!

It's been a while since I did a collaboration with @everlove and I have flipping missed them. So when the latest one came round I had to throw my hat in!

You can see the original post here. This was the picture we had to work with. Foxing heck. It's a toughie!


Almost right away I saw it, the wings! I quickly drew around them

But what would the wings fit on... A dragon, hmm no. Then it came to me, a birdman just like in Flash Gordon!!! I quickly sourced said birdman and banged my head on him. (To do this, I used an app called photo layers on android to separate out the images before pasting them together in PicSay pro)

Stuck on the wings

The good thing about using my head is that I don't have to worry about copyright or hurt feelings. That's my story and I am sticking to it ;0)

Now I needed a terrain for the Birdmen. I used the original piece again, taking a zoomed in crop and twirling it, before daubing a horizon line on and adding the bottom part under that line again with some hue and saturation adjustments. Oof, that's a sentence and a half

I added some blue sky from a photo using Pixlr Express at 80% opacity, the underlying texture giving that little oomph. Then stuck a castle on the lonely looking hill at the right

After that just splobbed in the Birdmen and for the title pic added some speech bubbles!


Whatcha reckon to the Birdmen, should we welcome them... Or...

Fear them!

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