Under the Sea - A Collaboration with @everlove

Art? Perhaps not quite, but here's my little digital manipulative take on @everlove's collaboration post.

Here is the Collaborative Art project that @everlove started with @everlove/artist-s-eye-your-invitation-to-collaborate-whatever-your-expression-bring-it-on

I saw this yesterday and was wondering if I would find time to have a bit of a bash at it. Well today I took my daughter to an interactive art installation for kids at the local theatre, I knew she would love it and love it she did!

Whilst she was variously dancing, yelling, running or screaming I managed to get to work on my phone! So here is what I did.

I started with a blank 'canvas' in picsay pro and copied on the original art work at 30 opacity, zoomed in a bit and at an angle to focus on the pupil of the eye

After placing another three layers at alternate angles to build up the depth of colour still centering on the pupil, I used the spiral tool to create a swirl round it

I liked this very much, I quickly switched to pixlr express, another photo editing app and played with the colours

I almost settled on this one but love the kind of colours that @opheliafu uses and thought I would stick with the original blues and greens

So at this point I thought it was quite sea like and worked towards this with some text using "pixel art" a horrifyingly un user friendly app.

After this I thought, it needs fish!! So used the unedited eye, shrank it and added multiple times like a little shoal with Pixlr Express

Finally to get a bit more pizazz and depth I used a bubble filter then a bleeding light filter and tada. The final piece, I hope you like!!!

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