Tattoo 101 Part 6: Bad Tattoo Prevention

So what can you do to prevent yourself from getting a bad tattoo?

Step 1 Never get a tattoo on Impulse! Spur of the moment adventures are great generally, however when it comes to permanently marking your body…You have lived without it your entire life, take some time to really think about having that specific tattoo in that placement on your body for the rest of your life.

Step 2 Cheap Tattoos aren’t good and good Tattoos aren’t cheap!!
For most things in life, you get what you pay for. So when it comes to something that will be permanent on your body, it is better to save your money and get it done right the first time. Otherwise it can cost many times more to have a bad job fixed.

Step 3 Research your Tattoo Artist not just the shop they work at!
Take the time to look through Artist portfolios so that you can find the artist that can do the work you are wanting to get done. For example: If you are wanting a portrait done of your child, then make sure that there are other portraits in the Tattoo Artist portfolio so you can see the quality that you can expect for your own tattoo.
Be sure to pay attention to line work; if line work is shaky in the portfolio, it will be shaky on your body. If the fill is sloppy and inconsistent, then that is what you can expect in your tattoo. Remember An artists portfolio is meant to showcase their BEST work.

Step 4 Listen to your Tattoo Artists Advice!
Remember that this is what your Tattoo Artist does all day every day. Just like you wouldn’t tell the contractor building your house how to lay the foundation, don’t tell your artist how to design your tattoo. Your artist knows what they are doing, you need to trust that, after all you did research your artist and looked through their portfolio, right? Give the artist your idea for subject matter like “I would like to have a religious themed half sleeve that incorporates praying hands, a dove and roses ”. That’s it. Don’t worry about the details of where will the praying hands be on my arm? What will be in the background? That is not your problem. You are paying your artist to figure that out for you.

                           In short, keep it simple… 

Don’t rush the Tattoo process. Save your money so you can afford your future body art.
Do your research!

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