A Portrait and Convo


This is a class demo I made for a painting class that I teach. I added a few touch ups for Steemit. Lately I've been having a lot of fun exploring the abstract elements in my paintings, and even when I am painting something directly representational, trying to keep things a bit abstract in how I design the different elements.


On a slightly unrelated note, being new to Steemit I'm still feeling my way around and learning the ropes. Trying different things out. Finding things I like and some things not so much. What's been your experience with the platform so far?

Are you guys using Steem-Plus? Because you totally should, so many useful things in here, I might just be a late noob on that though. Haha

We all have our different interests, but if you're here you are also probably interested in crypto at some level. What are you sharing on here? How do you like it? How's it going for you?

Of course I can talk about art forever, but that's not the only thing bringing us together on here, lets chat! As always thanks for checking out ma paints too!

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