Remembering Karsi | Digital Painting


For the small minority of people that haven't watched any Game of Thrones BUT PLAN TO. Please be aware there are minor SPOILERS below. You've been warned.

For the rest of us, this is a painting dedicated to Karsi, remember her? Season five? Hardhome episode? Well it could be forgiven if you don't remember her because she was only alive for one episode. I remember immediately being drawn to the character. Her strength and overall badass'ery won me over pretty quickly.


My mental progression through the episode went something along the line of " Oh man, I think I've got a new favorite char...oh wait no, nope, she's dead. Yup, she's a white walker. That was quick." So even though her time on the show was short lived(pun intended) let us look back and remember Karsi, the badass wildling leader.


Loboda: "My ancestors would spit on me if I broke bread with a crow."
Karsi: "So would mine, but fuck 'em, they're dead."

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