revisiting some older selfportraits

I made a self portrait yesterday and @crok suggested showing some older versions aswell. So why not. It might be interesting to put some of them together and see some longterm progress, so here we go.

First one is from 2006. I did a one year in Oriveden opisto. It is an adult college where you can take one year course in fine art, comics, music and writing. Have to say It was one of the best years of my life. They had excellent teachers with classes for different techniques. You get to live there with people who have same aspirations and there is a studio open for 24 hours a day. If you are thinking of art school you may want to take a course like that in preparation, if you have the chance.

oil on fiberboard

Next one is titled "keen on apathy" 2007. This is was made during the summer after the adult college. After a intense year like that living with people, i was suddenly living by just myself again. I'm not sure if the entrance exams were held already to art school, but i did not know if i was getting in. I did not get selected straight away, i was on the first standby position. I had applied in years before but had not been invited to the exams.

There was a description found on my DA site:
"I wasnt feeling very good about myself around the time i made this. Thought of making another selfportrait came to me while reading Teemu Mäki's Visible darkness.Cant remember excactly what kind of feelings went through me while in the process but finishing it gave me a sort of peace. atleast for a little while.
Maybe its a good idea to do one like once a year to see how youve changed(internally)."

Maybe it is, haha

watercolor on paper

So i did manage to get in. This is from a drawing class first year. The professor was very adamant that drawing is a skill that anyone can learn, and singing would be too. Luckily we did not have to sing in class. I do believe there is truth to it, if you have the motivation to put the time and effort in. I think we are too quick to accept the current state of things as the ultimate position without even trying.

pencil and charcoal on paper

This one is a little different, something i painted from a dream. No beard.
There was like a art lottery where we would donate works and i gave this in. it was one of the staff , a lady who managed the art supplies, who won this. I cherish that expression on her face and the laughter forever. I don't think she would hang this on her wall. I think this is from first year before that drawing class, but it suits better here.

oil on canvas

Here is this was made around 2009, so it's second or third year of my studies. In the facebook description it says summer, but i think it's actually from christmas break. So there was this girl...

windows paint

And here is the pic from yesterday. There has been some development over the years i suppose, but I still prefer wear black t-shirts.

windows paint

i'll throw in the sign post from few weeks back also for reference.

edit: Let's put this one in too. What a face. Purpose is not to look nice but to study and make an interesting drawing.

Mikko Lyytinen
Visual Artist

Follow me @mikkolyytinen

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