Shattered Rainbows (Original Poem, Collaboration with @everlove)

Shattered Rainbow


You learned how to fall asleep
it might not seem like much,
but you know that is much better
than those restless nights

You worked on watering the little flower
on your windowsill.
It still withered, but it had seemed happier
than the last one.

You learned to be happy
when you are not alone.
It was a bit harder than you thought,
but now it seems easy.

You learned change
maybe isn't so bad.
the lake froze, but now its thawed again.

You learned to make things happen.
Now, maybe you can find how to keep the
rain from falling on your side,
like the real rain did the other day.

You learned how to be with people.
Maybe you don't have
any friends yet,
but it is now possible.

You now can cross
the bridge that goes across the horizon
it wasn't a fear of heights that kept you,
but a fear of falling with no one to catch.

You learned to look at the big picture
instead of little details
now you can arrange
the puzzle pieces of your life

You worked on
doing the borders first
now the outline is clear,
so you can colour within the lines.

You learned
to look at silhouettes,
and not to think of something ugly,
but something beautiful.
Now you like the city skyline.

You learned
to accept the end.
Sometimes it's bad,
Sometimes it's good.
but the end starts another story,
and that one is yours to write.

You didn't soar this time,
but you didn't crash, either.
and that
is pretty good.


This is a collaboration work with @everlove, yet again. I invite everyone to be part of this. This is a great initiative and great way to stay connected with everyone.

Thanks for lovely picture, Pixabay

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