Female nude sculpture, work in progress your input appreciated

Some of you probably saw many of my previous works here on Steemit. Most of them are based on well-known characters from popular culture, turned into custom toy or engagement ring box. They were my entry drug into sculpting. I started with modifying existing toys or sculpting them from scratch.

I was slowly getting better in that so started looking for new challenges. I think sculpting realistic human would be something more complicated so I started going to workshop where we sculpt real woman, 10x 2hour sessions per pose. This one is still work in progress. After 10 weeks I took it home and started correcting places which look strange. Each time I see it in the photo, I discover details I am not happy with. It will probably take many more hours to finish this piece to the level I desire.

This figure is made of medium Chavant oil based clay on aluminum wire armature. It allows for better detail than water- based clay what makes the process slower.

I look at this pose and trying to figure what could I do to make it more interesting. I had the temptation to turn her into Princess Leia at some stage but the body and short hair of the model inspire me to make her a Viking warrior (that is probably influence of new episodes of Vikings now airing :) The recent post by @beanz reminded me about Irish pirate Grace O'Malley I read about a few years ago when looking for inspiration for a character. What do you think? should I modify her, put some clothes and go in direction of strong and sexy Irish heroine ? :) Let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestion where should I go with my progress?

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