Fell in love at first sight…

 Here are some paintings I got to see by chance in the private collection of an art lover and Ural artist Andrei Eletskiy and take photos of. It is just a small part of his works. Andrei creates paintings in the fantastic realism field.

 The master`s paints are candid, his brushstrokes are pure and honest, his stories are clear. It is not said in vain that Andrei has a mutual love – he loves paints, and they love him in return!

Topics, touched upon in the paintings, are diverse. They can be his impressions from trips, meeting people, the books he has read, and his favorite music. 

 It is hard to remain indifferent to Eletskiy`s art. His works bring people joy and surprise them, and for some people they are confusing or even scary.

“I like to be an artist of feelings. I don`t reject the modern world but accept it as it is.” – Andrei says.

Andrei wants to be a free painter, or at least free at choosing images and color combinations, at constantly covering canvases with colorful layers and happily listening to himself – how is my secret doing?.. It is alive, it warms the heart.

 I am far from being an art lover, but these paintings made me stop and fall in love at first sight. It is a pity my camera cannot show all the beauty and feelings I experienced.

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