Mr Insanely Great. Oh, Just see an old Mac conference the computer can draw graphics with user friendly interface. The monitor is with a calligraphy, Insanely Great. Wanna see the movie of Steve Jobs. A harsh genius, over come defeats and return. A great pereon change the world. What does it feel of working with him.
剛好瞄到一條Mac的舊片段,還在為電腦有一般用家介面而興奮的時代。屏幕上出現了INSANELY GREAT。就讓他叫這名字吧。最近突然好想看喬布斯傳記電影,這樣嚴格的天才,看預告又好像說的他目中無人。但被重重打擊後反而再創高峰。跟這樣神的人一起工作是怎樣的。
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