The Scarlet Flower (Beauty and the Beast). My original illustration (gel pen).

 My illustration for the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, wich is better known as the Scarlet Flower in our country. Plots in these tales are absolutely identical. As you may recall, the merchant have three daughters. When he was preparing for a long journey, he asked what they would like to have as a gift, when he returned. The older two daughters asked to bring clothes and jewelry. In our version of a fairy tale, it is the crown that shines like the  sun and the moon, and the mirror in which maiden can see all her beauty and maiden beauty will grow every day of looking in the mirror.

And younger asks for a flower, which is the most beautiful in the world.

The merchant has got the gifts for the two older daughters fast enough, although this was not so simple too. Looking for the gift for the third, beloved daughter, merchant was thrown by fate in the enchanted castle with magical garden, where he had found the Scarlet  flower.

For me, as a father, its a very close topic of gifts for beloved daughter, and  apparently it has affected the fact that I chose this passage from a  fairy tale for my artwork. 



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