Design with Nicole Steemit Tee #1 【 跟妮可做設計 Steemit T恤設計#1】

Hello Steemit friends,

Thank you
@htliao (@htliao/steemit-t) and
@linuslee0216 (@linuslee0216/steemit-steemit-t)
for inviting me to join the Steemit's tee design! Oh yes, I am a creative designer from Hong Kong, it is my turn to share something I am familiar with☺️

經過 @htliao@linuslee0216 對 Steemit's Tee 的邀請,來自設計界的我也來參與好了~嘿嘿☺️

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1)Steemit's Tee Design 1 : Simple (簡約)

The logo of steemit turns to be smaller and keeps it simple. I would like to have a steemit's tee that I can and I love to wear daily.
Steemit的標誌變小了,保持簡單。 我想要一件steemit的T恤是我喜歡和可以每天穿的。

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2)Steemit's Tee Design 2 : Embroidery (刺繡)

Logo has turned into embroidery which made with fine knitting. The design can be turn to single badge, you may apply to different products, likes caps, bags, jackets, jeans...etc. (Of course, the country can be changed!)
標誌已經變成了用精細針織製成的刺繡。 設計轉為徽章,您可以用在不同的產品上,如帽子,包包,夾克,牛仔褲等。(當然,地區是可以改變的!CN吧?)

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3)Steemit's Tee Design 3 : Handwritten (手繪)

Steemit's logo turns to a cute hand writing graphic.

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4)Steemit's Tee Design 4 : Ocean (海洋)

Inspired by whalepower, clear writing of "Steemit" on front and good for taking blog's snapshots.

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5)Steemit's Tee Design 4 : Neon lights (霓虹燈)

A tee for you to wear at night, or the one you need to keep you cool and stylish.

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We will go though 3 stages 我們會經過3個階段:
#1 Design's draft 設計草案 (We are now here!! )
#2 Revise 修改
#3 Order & Production 訂單與生產

If you are interested in designing Steemit's tee, please leave your comments or suggestion below, I will try my best!! 🙈
Perhaps you may find that there is no big big Steemit's logo on it, I do not want it to looks like company's adverts... I hope the tee will fits your style and you will like it.😘

有興趣設計hk / cn區的T恤的朋友也可以在下面留言和建議哦!我會盡力的喇🙈
我設計的T恤可能不是大大個的steemit logo, 因為我不想它變成像公司的宣傳T恤啦~ 我希望它是配合你的風格,而你喜歡的😘

To know more about Nicole: Nicole's Introduction 自我介紹
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Follow Nicole's Steemit : nicolemoker
See you all soon❤️

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