Normone: Rejuvenating a Planet Two Eggs at a Time to Save a Species of One (~Collaborative Art Journey~)

Normone was just a regular guy working a regular job
until that fatefully regular day in January.

The Name's Normone or Norm for Short People

Howdy travelers. Have I got a doozy of a story for you today.

Gather 'round and cuddle up to something warm if you're cold or turn the heat off if you're warm and pay attention. If you're looking at me and trying to figure out how to make eye contact, just take a gander down there below my feet. Them's my peepin holes now, so that's where you can look. More on that later.

Ladies and gentlemen, things used to be quite different for me. I didn't always live the life of a Clown Master's conscience.

I used to work the feeds and pick the eggs. Much like any good young citizen of this once fine planet of ours did when they were starting out and still had four legs.

They always told us to be careful out there. Do one thing at a time, do it right the first time, this is not a race, leave the glowing eggs alone, call one of us if you see a glowing egg. Those were just a few of the rules the Clown Masters would drill into our heads on a daily basis.

Break any of those rules and you'd most assuredly be sent home with a painted face and a sore ass, or so said the legend. Nobody ever came back to work the next day to tell any of us the truth about the situation though.

Gossip and hearsay. That's all I ever took it for. They most likely got fired and moved away. Something simple. It's always something simple.

I Was on Egg Duty

When it happened, I was caught completely off guard. Have yourselves a look-see at this here picture I took.

original photo

See anything peculiar lookin' about that there photograph?

Neither do I

So I picked up the egg and headed on down to the nearest Incubation Station. No different than any other time I take a scroll through the feed, as we say back home. That's the only way to get the job done. That's how we make that chedda.

On my way, I saw another egg just like it, which is no surprise, because they all look the same.

The Clown Masters hate it when we carry two at a time. It's two, dangerous! It's too dangerous!

They always say it twice for some strange reason which seems beyond my level of comprehension, so not once did I ever listen. I should have though. Having two too close together will set off a chain reaction. I didn't find out about that until I already had two and by then it was too late.

Check Out This Selfie I Took

Sorry about the quality of this photograph in advance. I was actually holding the phone in my mouth and using my tongue to press the button. I learned how to do that while driving to work. I was fed up with being distracted so I thought I'd invent my own hand's free device, but that's a story for another day.

Tongue Selfie
There's Something Wrong with this Picture

Yup, we got glowers.

I saw the cracks and chips before I picked them up. Those are common. To be honest, the eggs remind me of the walls inside my grandfathers old abandoned house back in Pottsville. I did not notice the glow until I looked at this picture later on. My negligence ended up causing quite the stir.

I was very close to the Incubation Station when I managed to snap the selfie. Franklin or Frank for short people was standing guard as usual. That sounds important, but all he really does is push the button that opens the door for everyone. He doesn't even look up anymore. We don't really need him. I could probably lean in and hit the button with my tongue if there was a serious emergency. The cameras outside and directly above his head do a far better job of warning everyone.

Here's a frame pulled from the surveillance footage captured by one of those security cameras shortly before the incident.

Normone Working Hard


There I am about to enter the Incubation Station and commence collaborating with my colleagues. I really like that picture. I miss the old me.

I had to yell to get Franklin's attention. He nodded, slowly raised a leg and did his job.

Before I continue, I must warn you.

The footage you are about to see is quite graphic and not for the faint of heart. It was captured by the internal camera that always points at the door. The investigation is still ongoing and some frames had to be omitted for this presentation.

We can observe the door opening. I remember feeling the blast of warm air. You'll notice the chain reaction accelerate the moment heat was added to the equation. That's all the eggs needed. They hatched out in the open and we had a bit of a meltdown.

I'm very sorry about the quality. The indoor cameras used to be the outdoor cameras. The Clown Masters didn't want to throw the old ones in the garbage after they bought new ones for outside.

I've since learned, the glowing ones skip the Incubation Station and go straight to the Cells. Apparently these eggs are a highly volatile fuel source and without an intact shell they have a tendency to explode and make a mess.

The entire time, I thought I was picking up babies.

Turn on the Lights

Normone Living Large

So Here I Stand
Atop the Mind of a Clown Master

Nobody knows how I got here.

I hope everyone enjoyed the presentation. When I was first asked to do this DedTalk I'll admit, I was a bit nervous. Convincing this Clown Master to listen to someone he can barely hear is nearly impossible, most days.

I am finally starting to learn what all of the buttons do, so that helps.

The truth is, as he stands here and speaks today, none of you can hear me. I can hear him mumbling about the great advancements and new ways to profit from this "incredibly safe" new fuel source now found on this once fine planet many of us only recently started to call home. I can also feel him ignoring me and all of the others who've lost their lives recently due to unsafe work practices, cost cutting and shady behind closed doors shenanigans.

The hardest part now is hearing everyone clap. Observing the standing ovation is no easy feat either. If only they knew the truth. If only there was a way to get them to listen.

This place is lucky I'm not violent.

Alternate Ending!
alternate ending
We were hit by a meteor and all the Clown Masters died.

What the Hell Did You Just Read?

~Everything here was produced and written by me, @nonameslefttouse.

Everything, except this picture.
original photo
This is not my photo.

I was scrolling through the feed one day and I came across this:

INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..."Rejuvenation" -- This is your invitation to Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!

From the moment I set my eyes on the first word, I felt invited. Apparently, "Rejuvenation" is the name of the photo and we're allowed to collaborate on some sort of art journey. Since that was the case, I decided to take you all on a trip.

Basically, anyone can take "Rejuvenation" and do what ever they want with it. At first I thought about rejuvenating it... then I got carried away. I thought to myself, "Self, if you're going to paint a room, you better do all four walls."

Here's the Second Rule of Art Collaboration Club

Print the image or do whatever it is you do to add to/or alter it. (i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing, adding other photographs, collaging, altering it digitally or however you wish . . .or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story, a gif, or other imaginative play.)

You can make as many versions as you'd like--we wouldn't want to stifle ourselves!
We're artists, so anything goes!

So I did just that.

If you're interested in having a go, more information can be found in the link provided. Don't forget to have a look at the comment section. Many of those on this journey have already placed their contributions there. That comment section is very easy on the eyes if you know what I mean.

Thank You @everlove for this wonderful opportunity.


Coming Soon!
The Making of Normone
A few secrets and references revealed
along with some of the higher quality images taken from the animation.
Stay tuned.

Unless noted, all images seen here were produced by me.
"Questions, concerns or comments? Leave those below."
Follow @nonameslefttouse

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..."Rejuvenation" -- This is your invitation to Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!

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