Two Insanity Productions: Flyer Two


Four more pieces to go along with the previous flyer which is located here. If you would like to view or purchase an image you see, don't hesitate to contact me. I always aim for a natural look to the art. You won't see any fancy photo shop filters or cutting edge special effects. I simply transfer natural brush techniques over to this digital world we live in. The end result almost always looks amazing. These look great hanging on your wall. Most print shops can handle the printing process for a very low fee.

As I bring my art out into this new world of ours here on Steemit, I'd also like to leave much of the old world behind. My preferred payment method is right here on Steemit. A few simple clicks and you will be well on your way to owning what you think is my finest piece.

I'd like to be your one stop independent art stop here on Yes, I'm just starting out. It's true, I've not sold one piece of art as of this writing. Just picture me sitting on the street with all my pieces out, working on another. Don't be afraid to drop a quarter in my hat as you stroll on by. At this point, that's what I am, and I don't mind. All big things started with one little idea.

Thank you for your time, enjoy the rest of the show.
Please press "here" and follow the path to learn a bit about me.

Follow @nonameslefttouse

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

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