☔Splishy Splash!💦 - Doodle Doodledayeo Round 14

Man, is it soggy out there!

It's raining so hard this morning! After walking wee man to school, I had to change my coat and gloves before I could walk to the grocery store. It is definitely rainy season around here, but we only get a downpour like this a few times/year. Thank goodness! I often talk about getting myself proper rain gear, being that we live on the coast, and we definitely get some rainy days, but usually my "rain resistant" coat is sufficient. Today, I'm kicking myself for not investing in something water-tight. 😰

Of course, kids don't mind the rain at all, and little miss adores splish-splashing in puddles on our way, which served as the perfect inspiration for this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge. The prompts for this week (Rain, Duck, Umbrella) are just so fitting for the morning we've had, I had to sit down and doodle as soon as we got home.


Here's the quick pencil doodle:

And the outline:

Hope you're all staying dry!


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