Drawing and Quick Painting Series (1)


Dear Steemit friends!

I'm starting a series on drawings today! ;)

I've been posting a Daily painting almost since the day that I joined Steemit.
Today I've posted my number 57!
I will soon post a collection of paintings organized by series, as this is the best way to appreciate art in my opinion.

The one above, was part of my exercises at the art school. For some reason I like to keep most of my drawings, those that I like and those that for some reason were a challenge.

Keeping a visual archive with all your drawings and paintings it's not easy, and I may say I've lost quite a few when my computer crashed some years ago.

But I do like to keep and review them from time to time, as for me is like keeping a personal journey.
Reviewing my drawings and paintings, may bring a smile (most of the times!) or sadness. But all these moments make me who I am today!

Drop me a comment whenever you find one of these drawings captures you! ;)

Cris <3

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