Sewing seeds
If you are new to crypto gardening it can be a daunting experience. The first step on this botanical journey is choosing the right seeds. There is a wide variety of seeds out there, and the task of choosing the right seed for you can be a challenge.
Some gardeners want a display of colour within a couple of months of planting, annual plants are great for this but the blooms don't last forever and you will find yourself having to start from seed again the next year. If you are willing to make a longer term investment and have the patience to wait, then a biennial or perennial may be the plant for you.
Take the time to explore the conditions you will be growing your crypto garden in. What is the soil type? Do you have access to plenty of fertiliser? Do you have sunny days or is the forecast stormy? Above all, do your research in order to select a seed that is right for you and the conditions.
The great thing about crypto is that you can sow your seeds at anytime of the year. Sow a single seed, 4cm deep, in a pot filled with seed compost. Water the seed well and place in a sunny position to germinate, and don't forget to add a label so that you can keep track of its growth. Seedlings may struggle to cope with the conditions outside if the temperature drops suddenly, so keep an eye on all forecasts.
If you have picked the correct seeds and conditions are favourable then hopefully you will begin to see some growth in your crypto garden.
Join me for future crypto gardening tips such as: how to care for crypto plants, when to weed out, how to protect from drops in temperature and the best time to harvest.