Lucky heather?


A purple blanket of colour

The spectacular sight of the heather sweeping across the landscape on a summer's day is the inspiration for this drawing.

I've walked across heather covered heathlands many times, but never really stopped to look carefully at these little purple plants. So, I took the time to sit down amongst the purple hues of the heather and really observe these tiny flowers.


heather photo.jpg

The Ericaceae are a family of flowering plants, commonly known as the heath or heather family, found most commonly in acid and infertile growing conditions. The family is large, with c. 4250 known species spread across 124 genera, making it the 14th most species-rich family of flowering plants. The many well-known and economically important members of the Ericaceae include the cranberry, blueberry, huckleberry, rhododendron (including azaleas), and various common heaths and heathers (Erica, Cassiope, Daboecia, and Calluna for example).
Source Wikipedia


I pulled my sketchbook out from my bag and made a pen sketch of the flowers. I found the leaf formation up the stem interesting, tiny spikes of green that I'd never really carefully observed before.


I settled my drawing board and watercolour paints on the grass and began to add subtle layers of colour to my drawing.

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I don't think I'll ever look at that blanket of purple colour beneath my feet in the same way again!

Have a great day!


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