Puzzling UFO

piece 4TH.jpg

Beam me up!

There is something out of this world about today's piece of the puzzle. I started a new project involving painting over a jigsaw puzzle. Over a period of 28 days I am selecting one piece of the puzzle a day to complete a design on. I will be fitting the painted pieces back together to reveal a completed jigsaw puzzle with a complete painting.

piece 4B.jpg

The 4th piece

piece 4.jpg

This is the 4th piece of the puzzle.

Each day as I complete another piece of the puzzle the painting will reveal itself further, a piece at a time.

piece 4PL.jpg

Just 24 more pieces to go!


See previous pieces:

1st piece - Puzzling art

2nd piece -Eye see a jigsaw.

3rd piece -Puzzled windows

3 columns
2 columns
1 column