Tulle and lace

Tulle and Lace is part of The Memories Series that I am developing, the poems and images explore the concept of a memory. Taking old snapshots of people and places, I interpret the images from the notes written on the back of these pictures and post cards, or stories passed on by word of mouth.

tulle and lace red (2).jpg

The image 'Tulle and Lace' is composed of a cyanotype made from scanning an old wedding photograph to make a negative, with the addition of a poem. The negative was then placed on top of chemically treated paper with pressed flowers, leaves and a paper doily, and then exposed to UV light . The finished cyanotype was then scanned and a digital layer of colour added.

The poem I wrote was based on my own viewpoint of the photograph.

Tulle and lace

A cascade of joy

And tumbling foliage

An ethereal glow

Of a beauty in white


If you want to learn more about how I make my cyanotype prints see my post Catching the sun- creating my cyanotype prints.

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