Another Land Art project for my "Tarot-Garden-like" park (and supporting the Steem Park Project)

In my yesterday post about a park of large sculptures and installations I'm working around, I forgot to publish the pic of the sculpture below:

This is a good subject for a Land Art installation, I think.

The overall purpose of this project is to build a park in a large plot of land with huge sculptures and large installations. Something like the Tarot Garden designed and built by Niki de Saint Phalle from 1979 to 1997. Or like the Watt Towers in Los Angeles. Or the Bomarzo Gardens in Italy. 

It's a project that will take many years to be completed. And a lot of money (which I haven't now). We will see. I found a way to start it.

In a way, it's a project not so far from the Steem Park that other Steemians are going to do here (You can currently support them, btw). ;)

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