"Giants" an original graphic novel (by me) free to download

I translated my graphic novel tale, "Giants" to English and uploaded the PDF file on my GoogleDrive. It is shared, free to download (just click the image above).

What is this thing? Well, it's not a comics book. And it's not an illustrated tale. It's an artwork - or I did it as an artwork. Images are the leading thing in "Giants". There is a text, but it comes from images. You will see what I mean. :)

I have also a papery version, in italian, in 50 copies numbered and signed (about 15 left, now). I'm selling it in a bookshop and online, as a limited edition artwork. It's a project I tried some months ago. Satisfactory outcome.

I'm not a translator, so there will be probably mistakes and oddities in the text. Please, let me know if you find any of it, so I'll correct. :)

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