Where my Art comes from - Part 1

I'm working on a couple of new projects. I'll talk about it in a few days, I think.

What I'm trying to write now is an inventory of images that influenced my art. I know that my style - good or bad - is made of a little list of effects that I learnt to use:

  • Transparence
  • Perspective and lacking of it
  • Fairy-tale characters
  • Animals
  • Strong contrast
  • Multiple layers
  • Symbols
  • Complementary colours
  • Primitivism.

Where did I saw those effects and how they influenced me? There is another list, hidden in my life,  that's made of artworks I met. I remember some of them and the moment they hit me, but not all of them.

I don't know if it is good, for an artist, to recap all those epiphanies. Maybe not. But I'm going to go through that memories anyway, because it is part of one of the projects i was talking about.

Transparence. Where did it come to me from? I don't know. I have to dig more to remember this. But Maybe Jackson Pollock's artworks have a role in that. And probably some Doctor Strange story drawn by Steve Ditko.

Steve Ditko's drawings influenced me in more ways, probably. 

Perspective and lacking of it. The biggest influence about using the prospective view came to me, probably, watching some Paolo Uccello's painting - and, later, De Chirico's metaphisics cities.

But the narrative lacking of perspective is more interesting. I discovered it in the ancient Romanic bassrelieves. For example, in the Giovanni Pisano's sculpture, where the space is not perspective but narrative.

Fairy-tales characters. There are too many sources for this in my experience, and I can't remember most of them. Some books from my childhood played a part, probably. But also the oldest Walt Disney's cartoons, the Little Nemo stories (by Winsor McCay) and the characters from Henri Rousseau's paintings

Animals. For this theme I have a precise muse: Franz Marc and his amazing paintings.

Ok, I think it is enough for now - even if I told not much actually. It will take more than one post to tell about this digging ;)

Images Sources:










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