Attempting to Earn an Income From Home and Make a Hobby Financially Beneficial

Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't feel like working for "the man"?

Have you ever had every day feel that way?

Personally, my work right now is great and it is flexible enough to compensate for my spontaneity. However, it still takes me away from my family, and that is an issue for me.

Our whole goal in moving to Arkansas and becoming more self sufficient was to drop the cost of living so that we could increase the quality of the life. The less expenses that we have, the less money that we need. The less money that we need, the more likely we can make that amount of money from home.

The goal of learning how to grow our own food and propagate plants is a part of this plan. Turning other hobbies into potential money making activities is another goal of mine. Often, these hobbies are easy enough to complete with children around, and many times they can even watch, learn, and help.

For those of you who have been following me for a while, you may have seen some of my artwork created with spray paint and stencils. Here are a few examples that I have already shared here on steemit:



Today I'm going to share some artwork with you that may work out quite well for me down in Arkansas. The stencil and pattern were created a few years back, before I even knew that we were moving to Arkansas. Interestingly enough, this particular style may work extremely well in our new location.

The artwork is a trout on a pallet board. This is potentially beneficial for many reasons.

  • Pallet boards are often free to obtain.
  • The fish is a trout & Cotter, AR is "Trout Capital USA" and is not far away.
  • In the Ozark Mountains people like things rustic, and this is rustic art.

Since my production cost is low, as I only need to buy black spray paint cans for $1 each, I have a potentially high profit margin. Because I use the stencils that I have already made, a form of "mass production" is rather easy. As we move forward, I'll be talking to many of the local shops and see if they would be interested in purchasing some of these to sell. I think that they could sell for between $15 - $20 down here. This means that I should be able to at least make somewhere between $5 - $10 each, but we will see. Anyway, here's the process.

The materials that I use are pallet boards, black spray paint, and my stencils.

First I place the trout outline on the board.

Then I spraypaint the exposed board black.

When I remove the pattern, a blank trout is on the board, with a rustic wood color to it.

Next I line up and use my detail stencil.

Once that is spraypainted over and removed, the finished trout is exposed.

This one is a Brown Trout.

Here's some of the finished work:

This can be used as simple cabin or home decor, outside artwork, or even to mark the trail to your favorite trout pond.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation.)

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