Cat V's Art!

It was a lovely day here in my cosy corner of the world!
Until the cat and her butt messed things up!

The sun was trying to shine and the children had been lovingly deposited at school. Leaving me free to drink coffee and continue the steemit mandala I have been working on over the last few days.

The plan was simple.

To draw a large a steemit mandala in ink before filling the rest of the A3 sheet with lots of smaller mandalas. I eagerly picked up my dip pen and got to work.

I was so engrossed In what I was doing time flew by, before I knew it my time to pick the kids up alarm was shouting, "You're going to be late!". I wiped my nib clean and made a run for it, leaving my artwork safely on the table to dry.

Or so I thought

On our arrival home, we were greeted by the cat who proudly waved her ink covered butt in the air. Thankfully she got more ink on the table than the drawing. I finished the central mandala successfully hiding one of the ink blotches.

Will I manage to successfully work around the remaining kitty butt blotches?
Or will the steemit mandala find it's way into the nearest bin?
Follow me to find out in part 2!

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