Practicing with Pastels.

My tiny workspace is starting to get a little crowded with all the new materials I've been playing with. Today It has been Oil pastels again. My spare time has been spent drawing, blending, scribbling, scraping and blending some more
As my reject pile grew I started to get a better feel for things until I finally had 4 pieces that I'm happy to spend more time on tonight.

Here's what I've learned about oil pastels today!

  1. Cheap £1 shop pastels are a giant pain in the arse to blend, they just sit on the paper refusing to move.pffft I get enough of that waking the kids up every morning.
  2. Using a hair dryer to heat your cheap disobedient oil pastels does force them to move (but not much).
  3. Using oil does make them much easier to blend..Don't use the danish oil you see in the top picture, that's for another project The last thing you want is your picture spontaneously starting a house fire. I actually used baby oil which will take 24 hours to dry.
  4. I may be single-handedly destroying the environment with all the cotton wool buds I have been using.
  5. I need a bigger workspace.

Thanks for reading

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