Oils - on Cellphone

It is interesting, to me anyway, that of all the billions of possibilities this interested me. Somehow these shapes a mix of color and texture appealed. It felt right. It was not random. I chose where to look! I decided on some level when to push the buttons and make tiny adjustments. I know that it may not even look the same once I publish it here. But after all these choices coalesce and manifest, I wonder what it means, what this is saying? Does it reflect a mood, a particular season in me? It feels peaceful and still. It is a between. Not quite morning or evening. Does the sun rise or is it setting? Well that must be what it's telling me. It is kinda how I am feeling lately, between. I get like this from time to time. Not writing much. Not consumed with some new idea. Just waiting on the rising or setting to have its way.

Several years ago I had a profound dream about the number 55. I sought out some consultation and after a while came to comprehend that my soul or god or both was alerting me to a future transition in me and perhaps the world. In 24 days i will have been here for 55 seasons. I am fully expecting this season, this year, to bring both resolution to the old and give birth to a long awaited beginning. I have layed some groundwork with you all that i think will be a part of that new thing and am eager to watch what happens. But for now I will sit and watch and wait here in the Light through the Oaks. Peace friends.



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