Original sketch: Girl and tiger (Steemarket Art Contest)

I'm working on creating some artwork for SAC, or the Steemarket Art Contest by @paolobeneforti.

(It's a really cool initiative; check it out!)

I largely work with digital art work, so going for the "painting" category really puts me out of my comfort zone. I wanted to create something whimsical and break back into my watercolor pencils (which I haven't touched in... a year?).

At any rate, I forgot to take process photos, but I'm proud of the sketch I'm going to be basing my artwork on. Thought I'd share!

Tiger and girl.jpg

After watching Okja yesterday (if you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. It's on Netflix, 85% on Rotten Tomatoes), I was definitely in the mood for something about a girl and her creature.

Originally I was going to draw a cat, but I wanted something a little more epic.

I stumbled upon Kevin Richardson, and after scrolling through a bunch of his pictures, I got this idea.

(This is the one that really caused the light bulb moment for whatever reason. My brain went "mm tasty" and then made a bunch of connections from there.)

I did this sketch in Pixlr, and am about to go out to get a stylus because I'm sick of drawing on a tablet with my fingers. Now to figure out how to transfer it to paper...


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