She'll be comin' Round the Mountain. Repaired.

This painting is one of my first redux paintings from an earlier concept. I had a much smaller version of it with a quiet, non volcanic mountain range in the background, and a very similar lake. The motor boat had a wizard in it, and it was called HMS Milkshakes.

I foolishly let a curator talk me down on the price, which wasn't very high to begin with, and it ended up getting sold immediately by a patron at a Toronto gallery. Note to any and all aspiring artists that might read this; NEVER let a curator talk your prices down. They have no say. If they want you to ask more, sure, go for it. Part of the deal is that you need to pay commission on anything that sells, anyway. Anyone who undervalues all the time and energy you put into your work is an imbecile, and you deserve better.

....that being said, you may decide later to charge less for something if you've fallen out of love with it, or it's just been sitting around for the longest time. Just let it be on your own accord. Not someone else's opinion.

I charge by square inch, so my prices only go up annually. The pieces that sit around too long don't go discount. They just turn into new paintings. 

And then the titled issue. This piece got damaged by my own poor storage skills! It took forever, but I finally got around to filling in all the scratches. So here it is! Like new.

30x40" Acrylic on primed fabric.
Value of 1750 cdn.
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