Steemit Daily Drawing Tutorial - Gesture drawings (plus tool)

From the tool's page

One of the biggest lessons I got from a comic artist was to work on gesture drawing. In many things, big trumps small. If you can get the BIG STUFF solid, the tiny details are easier (or just optional)

Gesture drawings are where it's at

Gesture drawings are FAST. WE're talking as low as 15 seconds. You try and evoke a figure in as little time as possible.
Then the time limit goes up, and up and up. Etc.

Then you reset.

Over and over again. Doing these every day helps a lot in terms of composition.

How to use this

Gesture drawings don't have to just be one figure, but an entire scene. In fact, I've read plenty of comics (Hellboy comes to mind) where the level of detail is actually really low. Mike Mignola CAN crank the detail but he often chooses not to.

Awesome tool: Quickposes!!

Quickposes is an online drawing helper that will not only give you sample photos/poses but time you AND track your progress.

Did I mention it's FREE?

It totally rocks. Go do some.

Like more drawing tutorials? Follow @rampant

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