Pokémon Fan Art 🔶

E and Red Dusts Summer Pokéman Fan Art Series

Links to Pokémon characters are at the bottom of this article.

E is my 7 year old granddaughter, she is already ahead of me regarding our paintings. E is a very fast painter and has finished her piece and I'm still working on my first layer of paint.

I Am Still Working On My First Layer Of Paint

Once I get my base layer of color, I add shadows using complimentary colors, highlight with gouache, outline with pen and ink.

Pikachu vs Scatterbug, mixed media paper, 14 x 11, watercolor, pen, and ink.

Ponyta, 14 x 11, mixed media paper, watercolor, pen, and ink.

Link to our introductory post.

Pikachu is popularly known as the mascot of the Pokémon franchise and a major representative of Nintendo's collective mascots.

Scatterbug is a small, black, insectoid Pokémon with a large head that takes up most of its body. If threatened by a bird Pokémon, it can spew a powder that paralyzes on contact. The powder covering its body regulates its temperature, allowing it to adapt to any climate.

Ponyta is an equine Pokémon with yellow and reddish-orange flames forming its mane and tail. Its body is mainly cream and has four long legs, each ending in a single, gray hoof. These hooves are said to be harder than diamonds. It also has extraordinary jumping abilities, and is capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound. However, a newborn Ponyta is a weak runner and is actually barely able to stand. It gradually strengthens its legs and becomes faster by chasing after its parents. In the anime, it is shown that Ponyta can control its flames so that its rider is not burned by them. Ponyta runs in fields and mountains all day. Ponyta live in grasslands, on plains, or anywhere that it can run freely.

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