The Golden Spiral ~ Work In Progress

A Vision From Meditation

Today I worked on strengthening lines, figuring out how the spiral works in the foreground. That was a headache! I filled in one of the Star People to see how I would work out the other bodies. I'm happy with my progress, working with gouache looks messy, but once I smooth in the edges and clean up the lines everything will be working together. That's what I'll be working on tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed I can finish this piece tomorrow.

Meditation Story

Work In Progress

I've added gouache for opacity and detail.

A collaboration with @greatdabu

I wrote on one of his "Sound Poem Collaboration Posts," "All things are dreams, lovely collaboration @greatdabu🌀 There are stars inside our bodies and outside in the sky, there is no in or out from what I saw. I know the way it's through the golden spiral I saw it in a vision. Beings full of stars traveling down the golden spiral. I sat on the cusp and watched them go, wishing I could fly with them. But It is not my time yet so I stay here for a little longer and help my family. He asked me to paint my vision and make an audio file of me reading what I wrote, he said it sounded poetic. That made me giggle, I am very clumsy with words! He will combine my painting with his music and my voice. I am very excited to work with the @greatdabu.

13 x 21 inches, 300lb Hotpress Cotton Paper, and Watercolor. This is the first layer of color so the painting will look nothing like this when I finish. I like to layer colors on top of each other to make other colors.

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