"American God's " Fanart (WIP) Mr. Wednesday

Starting With The Eyes

American Gods

I was going to take the day off, however Mr. Wednesday a.k.a the Norse god Odin wanted to come out and play. I told him I don't play with gods because of all the stories I've read. Everyone I've read about that plays with one of the old gods of ancient lore ends up on the short end of the stick. Odin whispered in my ear, "being on the short end of the stick may be fun and full of great adventures and maybe some wisdom as well." I'm a sucker for wisdom, although I forgot to ask him what kind of wisdom he was offering. I did tell Odin I am not going to offer one of my eyes nor will I offer anyone else's eye. Odin lost his eye but gained a lot of wisdom I read whilst researching who Odin is in Norse Mythology. In fact I've decided not to talk to this God because he is a trickster. So in the old Norse tales to get Odin's attention and favor one must cut out their own eye and offer it up as a sacrifice. I am sure the eye offering has to do with insight into reality as it is, true sight that does not need fleshy eyes to see....

Ian McShane's face is beautiful to me, I love all the folds and wrinkles. He doesn't have to say a word, his face can tell the story. Mr. Wednesday is trying to gather up all the old gods humans used to worship but are now fading away from lack of attention. Most of the Gods, except the God of War have taken to low paying menial labor or walking on the wrong side of the law. Mr. Wednesday is a con artist, a long fall from being a leading deity in Norse Mythology. Mr. Wednesday wants his power back and is trying to start a war with the new gods of our world, science, technology, and media. I can't wait till next season and find out if Mr. Wednesday has accomplished his goal. I'm off to paint some more, I left links if you want to know more about the movie or learn more about Odin, “Master of ecstasy and wisdom I left a few links.

Odin the Master of Ecstasy

22 x 19 inches, 190lb watercolor paper, watercolor and gouache.

Sketch and Story

some_text A link to My Blog

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