A Butterfly A Day ~ Art by Red Dust

Butterfly and A Zinnia Flower

With a "Butterfly a Day" series I am practicing catching form and light without all the detail I'm infamous for and it's been a struggle.

This time I was able to relax instead of tensing up when I am trying to relax. I swear painting is just like meditation in that regard. The painting looks like I swept right through it in an hour. One thing I haven't been able to do yet is speed up my processes. This painting took hours and hours, I keep forgetting to track my time so I can share with you all how tedious my vision is.

This weekend I will be posting progress on my 1957 Chevy painting, with this painting I can swim and detail like a dolphin cutting through the sea.

$35.00 SBD includes shipping, without matting or frame.

11 x 7, mixed media paper, watercolor, gouache, pen, and ink.

Something Unexpected, Greta oto

Common Blue

Karner Blue

Yellow and Black Beauty

Paper Kite

Sold "Unknown Butterfly"

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