Pokémon Fan Art 🌀 by Red Dust

Gyarados The Water Dragon

14 x 11 inches, mixed media paper, watercolor, gouache, pen, and ink, 2016

Gyarados the water dragon, I made a mistake, he is drawn too small, the dragon is supposed to be huge. I guess this one only ate junk food and played video games, never going into the sunlight when he was young. Fake food, no exercise or sunlight stunted this dragon and he is always grumpy. His attention span is that of a sand flea, he is always hungry and tired at the same time. He has problems hunting because he can't focus long enough to catch some food so he eats the garbage people throw out of their boats.

Kabuto is the crab like Pokemon sitting on the stairs with the red eyes and black underbody. His kind have been around for 300 million years and has been regenerated back to life.

Omastar is the mullusk like creature with a turquoise face and tentacles and hard spiky shell. Omastars shell grew so heavy they couldn't move and died off.

Omanyte is a mullusk like creature that also became extinct and was regenerated back to life, with turquoise tenacle like beard around his eyes.

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