Pokémon Fanart 🐬 By Red Dust

The Power To Calm Angry Feelings

"Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all Pokémon. When there are fights going on, it has the power to calm angry feelings and end arguments by releasing a wave of energy. In addition, it can move by floating in the air as shown in the anime. It lives at the bottom of large lakes."

14 x 11, mixed media paper, watercolor, gouache, pen, and ink, 2016

Diamond Milotic's power is the ability to calm down angry arguments between Pokémon characters. The ability to argue without getting overwhelmed by emotions, what an awesome power. Feebas the fish like Pokemon evolves into Milotic. The watercolors are: blues are French Ultramarine, Phthalo Blue, and Colbalt Blue. The yellows are Cadmium Yellow medium, and Yellow Orcre. The red is Vermilion and blackish color is Payne's Gray.



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