The Frog And The Snail

Building A Story About Time

My Grandchildren and I are writing a story together and I'm illustrating. We haven't figured out the frog and the snails names or the part they will play in this story of about time. I haven't figured out why the frog is riding the snail yet. But the idea made a cool picture.

The fog can move much faster than the snail, so why is he riding such a slow vehicle? They are checking out a keyhole and I'll be painting a space full of stars that you can see through the keyhole. Space and time, what's it all mean? Time can move differently depending how one fixes their attention. Time moves so slowly when one isn't having fun. I think that's going to be the part these two play in the story.

We will figure out their names as I work on the color and the lines. Woody my daughter's boyfriend thinks the snail should be called Turbo after another character in a movie he and the kids watched. I can't recall the movies name right now.

I make templates of the characters on transfer paper so I can easily copy or change the pictures.

That's what I've been working on besides spring cleaning the house, cooking, and etertaining the kids on spring break. The grandkids are spring cleaning their rooms today, which means I have to be the director. I dislike directing people...yuk, no fun at all!

It's freezing out so no garden work, which means more art work!

Character, Sid the Owl

Character, Tyme



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