Updates On Projects ~ Art ~ Jewlery ~ Garden ~ Health

The Owl That Stole Tyme

I had several images I wanted to put together, time, an owl, and a key. This is the picture that I came up with. I noticed the clock looks like a house, and Tyme lives there. Tyme is a little girl and the owl stole the key to her house. Tyme is locked up and cannot come out to play. I haven't figured out the owl's name. I'll get into my book of symbols and find a name for the owl today. What steals time? That's the name I'll be looking for. I still have a bunch of work to do on this piece.

50lb Weight Loss 2015 Update

I'm 57 years old, around 5'7, still 50lbs lighter!

I had a buldging disk, L-5, symptoms, loss of reflex in right leg and sciatica back in 2003, finally healed 2016, yoga, walking, organic diet, intermittent fasting, and sleeping with a small of the back support to restore my backs arch.

Fibromyalgia symptoms in remission, learning to deal with stress through observing sensations instead of reacting, dropping all processed sugars, going organic whole foods , cooking from scratch, walking 2 miles a day, supplements iodine and selenium for my thyroid.

I'm firmly into menopause and pretty much symptom free. I still get hot flashes if I drink too much coffee and focus too strongly when drawing or in a large group of noisy people and trying to talk to someone.

Hand Pressed Glass And Turquise Beads With Wire and Silver Accents.

My Granddaughter and I make jewelry together to sell at fairs and festivals. It's a fun thing to do together and E is learning how to start a business.

Rockwool Seed Starting Experment Is A Fail

Rockwool is awesome for starting seeds, not so hot for growing roots and first leaves. Root rot set in and I had to rip up the Rockwool, which was full of water and move the survivors into some dirt. The seedlings immediately started to recover, poor babies. The stuff really holds the water, I did over water, so it's my fault not the Rockwool. I like peat pellets better for starting seeds.

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