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Most of my artwork is on glass. Actually on the reverse side, so called "hinterglas". To make it even more extravagant, I work with graphite pencil directly on the glass and add layers of other media.

Some people say, I'm working "backwards", which is true in a way. Once my painting is finished on one side of the glass, I turn it around and the viewer sees the painting through the glass. Whatever I put down first on the other side, is closest to him. Exactly the opposite of traditional painting.

For my glass originals I build hand made frames.

Sometimes I play with moving parts like doors. These doors, although fully functional do not always have the real purpose you'd expect and are then merely for "decoration" or to play with.

Reminds me of evolution, when you see i. e. an insect who's ancestor a few million years ago was able to fly... over time this bug might have found a different niche and the ability to fly became less important. The wings became rudimentary and although without a real use, they are still there...

When I sent more of my glass paintings to exhibitions, I was concerned about the glass being safe. I made the frames with real doors, to protect the painting. Over time, this aspect became less important. But every now and again there might still be some "doors" again... with a different purpose :-)


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