Tarot Friday#2 – Into this world, creative power and "The Magician"

As I have told you in my post about the temple of the secrets, I started working on a large scale art project about Tarot cards (Major Arcana only) in the early 90s. In my post about „The Fool“ I explained, what it all means for me.

Today we will go to the second chapter of our journey through a human life, commonly known as the „journey of the fool“. Although the cards are metaphoric and don’t depict people or figures per se, as @animal-shelter describes so well in her inspiring and informative post, I find it easier to understand, when we draw a direct reference to our own lives.

After a soul manifested itself in our world, the next two cards show us the „divine or spiritual parents“, with the divine father being represented by „The Magician“


He represents male energy, creativity, active attitude, will power, but also the importance of a harmonious balance between conscious and unconscious. I personally always viewed the Magician's right hand as a sort of antenna for creative energy, which would then be transformed by flowing through his body into something we can perceive with our senses. Pretty much the process of an idea becoming reality.

Again, I tried to capture the main theme with the colors, as I have done with all 22 of the Major Arcana, the trump cards of the Tarot deck. Two analogies for this card are, fire, bright and hot and the sun. There are some more, like the philosophers stone, but for my understanding, there had to be bright yellows and reds!

The white robe represents purity and the red cape stands for confidentiality.


For those who would like to know more, @animal-shelter gives an excellent and detailed interpretation of the meaning of the magician in this weeks post. Thank you @kidsysco for connecting us!

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

The temple of the secrets, is a large scale work of art I did in the 1990s. Total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft (unfinished)

All photos/scans by me of my own artwork. The original cards are roughly 20"x40" and painted on glass in "Hinterglas" technique as described here

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