Daily Holi-Art #43: Mind Bomb - 100% Power Up Post

Hey Steemians! It's daily Holi-Art time!


The idea of my daily Holi-Art is to create a piece of art that has a theme based on that day's less popular or even funny national or international holiday. Today is November 4th and according to the website www.daysoftheyear.com, it is Fountain Pen Day, Love your Lawyer Day and Use Your Common Sense Day. So today I will post an original piece of artwork that corresponds with one or more of these particular 'holidays'.   

 Have you ever had an awesome idea, then hit up Google for inspiration and find out that the idea had already been created...by hundreds of other people? Yeah, that feeling sucks, and it happened with today's artwork.

So here's my interpretation of what I thought was an original idea...but apparently it's not as original as I had hoped. But then again, what is truly "original".


This is today's rendering:

Mind Bomb/em>

Ever wish you could lend someone a bit of common sense?





Progression Photos:









Alright guys, I hope you all enjoyed this original content! If you did, please feel free to upvote and follow! And as always, if you have questions or advice for me, please leave them in the comments.


Make sure to watch for tomorrow's Holi-art!







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