Sugar demon? - Designing a tattoo for juvenile diabetes awareness. Pencil sketch AND digital rendering process!

Hey, Steemians! A friend of mine recently requested that I design a tattoo for him for juvenile diabetes awareness -  here's the catch - it has to have a 'punk rock' feeling to it. So, naturally I was instantly interested and asked him if he had any ideas. His first response was, "What about a donut monster?"....A donut monster? What?  But as we talked about it, the design started to come together. 

Here's a picture of the pencil sketching I did to form the idea: 

Just to give an overview of what Juvenile diabetes is and what long-term effects it can have if left untreated; juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes is a disease that is becoming more and more common in today's society. When a child's pancreas stops producing insulin, there are major issues that can occur. Uncontrolled blood sugars are very dangerous and even life-threatening. Being a child that has to instantly be thrust into learning how to control their blood sugars 24 hours a day and on top of that, being introduced to the ins and outs of the healthcare system with multiple doctors visits a month ...that is hard for not only the child, but for the parents also. Long term effects to uncontrolled diabetes of any type are as followed: Microvascular complications, Retinopathy, Neuropathy, gastroporesis, kidey disease and even failure, and heart disease and many more sub-category symptoms.

And here is a digital rendering of the sketch:

Cool, right? Notice how the donut has eye problems, along with an amputated leg and hand. It also has an axe to do damage to the other internal organs as it pleases....but the pretty colors..Don't you still want to eat it? Come's just a little bite.

Here are some color schemes I sent him:

And last but definitely not least, this is the final digital rendering:

So what are your thoughts? What should I design next? Let me know in the comment! If it's a good enough idea, maybe it will make it onto Steemit!


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