New Watch Mechanism & Malachite Pendant

My first attempt at making a gif, well pleased!


I've had a bit of a break from Steemit this week, lots going on with work and also its bloody freezing in the England at the moment so after being outside all day I just want to eat and hide in bed.

With that said I have managed to get this beauty finished.

I'm undecided on whether copper looks best with the watch mechanism here. I need to get some more Silver wire ordered to try some with that and compare.
I could look at watch mechanisms all day. They are insanely detailed pieces of art in themselves. Put together by hand by someone clearly very patient with a steady hand! You can see the intricacies and precision in the gif above.

The Malachite I used is quite highly polished so photos were a bit difficult.

In related news, I recently won just a few more watch mechanism off ebay for a bargain price. A few more is an understatement, 64 to be exact! Looking forward to making all sorts with these. Theres a few matching pairs so earrings are on the cards and more pendants.

Look at them, in all their coggy glory!!

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