Dimensional door

Hey yall! In my ongoing quest to explore the strange and unusual, the notion of a dimensional door has come up a few times in my work. They have always fascinated me, probably because of the mystery of what might be on the other side. This speaks to me on a deep level, and addresses my own fears of death and the unknown. On a happier note, there could always be amazing and beautiful places through the portal...

We all have our fears of the unknown, and of crossing unfamiliar thresholds. It is an integral part of being human. Any kind of vortex has always terrified me, be it a whirlpool, or a tornado, or a black hole. (Yikes...that last one is probably the scariest thing i can imagine...) As often as it feels in life, once you cross the threshold, there is no turning back. Once you get past that event horizon, there is no known amount of energy can reverse the descent into oblivion. As it is with one way portals, so it is with the most terrifying portal in life, the exit door.

What truly lies on the other side? I cannot say, but then again, should i be able to do so? If i knew what it was, it would dispel all the mystery, and that's no fun. Without the unknown, we would have no reason to keep learning and exploring. These are some of the most terrifying, but also the most fascinating of life's big questions. 

Not knowing is a huge part of the fun! And i have also noticed that no one ever likes spoilers...

Now i am not saying to jump through any portal that you come across. Remember, many of them are one way. We should collect as much information about them as we can before jumping in. We should take them super seriously, and question them, and then question them again, and then probably a few more times... 

Everyone loves a good mystery, but we are not always ready to learn the answers behind them. I simultaneous love and hate my fear of the unknown. It has pushed me to explore all kinds of things, and the reveals are often very interesting. But there are some things i would rather not know, i will cross those bridges whenever i get there... 

I think i will take the extra long scenic route, and take many rest stops along the way :)


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