Is there an age limit to being an artist? My son is 19 months and creating new works every day.

Esteban is clearly a special child.

He is 19 months old.

You would have to meet him to fully understand, but he is beaming with light, love & creativity.

And for the last month he has been living in the home of an artist! Check here for a previous post on this subject: @samstonehill/what-have-i-learned-from-living-with-a-famous-bali-artist

Or better still, start following the works of @yaariart who is a brilliant inspiring man.

Esteban has been putting pen & brush to paper & canvas for a few months already but in these last few days (since the full moon) he has been taking much more time to really focus his attention on smaller patterns & shapes, always drawing them in black ink, on the blank pages of his favourite bed-time books.

You can see above how he has delicately added some black lines to the cover of his latest book of choice, one of the Petit Lapin Blanc series (Small White Rabbit).

Most of his books are in French as he is mastering 3 languages currently: English, French & Indonesian Bahasa. I mean why not? English dad, French mum, living in Bali. For kids it's simple because there is no 'trying'. Only fun new words to associate with objects.

Here I give you a few of the shapes he created yesterday. Some of them almost geometric in nature.

I am finding his artwork interesting because it is currently in the form of pure instinct. There is no ego to worry about what other people will think. And there is no limit to what can be done.

The hard part is getting him to create on our traditional mediums of paper or canvas. He loves to decorate his skin, the walls, the sofas.... you get the idea!

Recently I gave him one of those cool pens from my childhood. You know, the one with the choice of four colours?

And this is what he came up with :)

Okay, I know I'm just another dad infatuated with his child, but I do believe in time he will develop this skill to the point where it is recognised as the art of an artist, rather than the scrawling of a baby.

Thank you for you time as ever & I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Love & Light to you all.

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