Tell me what to draw #5 (WIN SBD)

THE WINNER TODAY IS @steeminator3000 !

with his suggestion of:

"Kebab monster"

With 5 votes, 2 comments, and $2.55 in pending payout.
He was the clear winner!

To me the kebab monsters are feeling very strongly about their situation. They are feeling like many of you are while looking at coinmarketcap today.

Upset: What is happening!? Why meeee??!!

Hopeful: Oh look it is going back up! It is over!

Acceptance: Well... this is my life now... crypto ded...

This is an ongoing series/game to see if I can boost follower interaction. Since I really love comments on my posts, I wanted to find a way to incentivize comments where I know a person is truly reading content, and wants to interact with others.

The game is simple:

Tell me what to draw!

Whats in it for you?
A. You should get some votes on your comment
B. I will give you a shout out for giving me the idea
C. For coming up with the idea I will give you 25% of the SBD's generated by your idea's post.

1.Write a comment telling me what to draw in my next post

2.Vote on some other comments

3.TRY to keep it SFW... try

4.Self votes will not be added to your tally.

5.The most popular comment after 2 days will win.

Popular means has votes, dollar amount, comments, interaction.
All factors will be taken into consideration

obvious vote pools, or manipulation will no longer be accepted just because it has "more votes" or a "higher dollar amount"

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2 columns
1 column